West Coast Baptist College Online Application

Create Work Study Application

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E.g., 02/18/25

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The work study program is available to full-time, WCBC dormitory students, based on student financial needs and on campus job openings. Funding for this program is limited; therefore, we cannot guarantee employment for all who apply. Students with the greatest financial needs will be considered first.

Work Study Employment Agreement

  • I have a financial need for on campus employment in order to attend WCBC (2 Corinthians 8:21b)
  • I will adjust my work hours at times during the semester to meet the needs of my job (Ecclesiastes 9:10a)
  • I will adjust my class schedule and extracurricular involvement to meet the needs of my job (Ecclesiastes 9:10a)
  • I will work in the area I am assigned and perform my job to the extent of my ability (Ephesians 6:7)
  • I understand that I will be discharged from my job if I fail to work my scheduled time or if my work is not satisfactory
  • I understand the regulations of WCBC for participating in the work study program and my signature indicates my agreement to the conditions of accepting on campus employment

It is a privilege to participate in the work study program. As an employee of WCBC, I have a responsibility to the college, but most importantly, to the Lord. I must view this job as service unto Him.

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